Nodemcu V3. phone control smart car


Written by Dimas

Do you heard about remote controled car?. pretty basic right. 

this car is using phone to control them. using esp8266 there will be many potential to this car. with many pinout u literaly can do anything. put water nozzle?, flametrower?, pesticide?, smoke bomb?, and many more IoT product. this car has range aprox up to 200 m. suitable for kids toy and fun rookie project

1. Parts

  • 1x Arduino smartcar chasis
  • 4x Gearbox motor
  • 1x Nodemcu v3 (or any esp8266)
  • 1x L298N
  • 4x Tire
  • 2x Small Breadboard
  • Jumper cable
2. Assembly

  1. soldered 2 gearbox motor together
  2. place all 4 gearbox in the chasis
  3. connect the gearbox to L298N pinout (1,2,3,4)
  4. place the breadboard and stick the nodemcu v3 to it
  5. connect the nodemcu with L298N, D1>IN1, D2>IN2, D3>IN3, D4>IN4
  6. put the battery to 5v and GND L298N. and connect to 5v and GND nodemcu v3.
  7. put the top cover
  8. and Code + designing ui/ux

3. Done
